How to Date an Asian Woman
“How to Date an Asian Woman” is a 75 page ebook that tells you everything you need to find, attract and seduce an exotic female from the Far East including:
In fact, this book asks you forget everything that you think you know about impressing an Asian beauty. We asks you to forget your creativity (which just looks like blundering around to her) and all of your preconceptions (which just looks like racism to her) by revealing:
…and also a list of common secret motivations for why Asian women date Caucasian men so that you are never blind sided by a gold digger, a mental patient or a demanding, whiny brat masquerading as an adult ever again!
Simply paying attention to what this book has to say about Caucasian-Asian relationships will spare you hours of emails, and wondering if she is ever going to make up her mind to be with you. And there will be no question that there will be a second date! Nobody understands yellow fever better than the author who knows exactly how unbearable unrequited desire can be! The symptoms include anxiety, restlessness, a preoccupation with Lucy Liu and a longing to tussle between the sheets with a woman with long silky black hair. HOW TO DATE AN ASIAN WOMAN shows you how to understand each and every type of Asian woman – from the mildest to wildest by understanding what their point of view is about male white perception of them and how they have learned to manipulate those stereotypes to drive you crazy with lust! Although these women seem mysterious and complex, we will tell you the simple secrets (some of them based on ancient wisdom from her culture) that will tame these proud beauties and have them eating out of your hand. Much of it will surprise you! This book gets right into the psychological meat of how to seduce her including the most important-
Knowing everything about her, from head to toe, is one of the secrets to unleashing the passionate potential that you just know is lurking inside the Asian women that you meet in every day life -- that mild-mannered Asian woman that you see working as a bank teller or that gorgeous Asian go-go dancer at the club. Or perhaps you simply catch a glimpse of a photograph online that simply makes you hold your breath (and maybe something else!) Stop jerking around and get real about taking the steps necessary to find the Asian woman of your dreams! We will feel confident about saying that because we know that is exactly what you are doing rather than grasping the fact that a future with a real flesh and blood Asian and woman is completely possible. Keep in mind too that this book is written by someone who has been there – who understands you and why you may be so much at the mercy of these gorgeous creatures that you can’t seem to find the nerve to take those all important first steps towards promoting yourself as the man of her dreams! Do Asian women seem mysterious to you? Unattainable or even too good for you? Do you surf for erotic anime as a substitute for a real sexual experience? Do Asian women constantly blow you right off when you try to approach them? |
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