BREAKING: Robert Pattinson Attacked by Fangirls in NYC, Structural Integrity of Hair Presently Unknown


Lainey Gossip has some shots of New Moon heartthrob Robert Pattinson getting hamfisted by a crew of very eager female fans while trying to do his job in New York City. Today is the first today of production prep for his new film Remember Me.

Check out the hug-attack at Lainey Gossip.

For an account of another NYC interloper today, read the story over at Radar Online–

“He autographed it and just smiled at me. I was really scared I’d get kicked out, especially since his bodyguard was standing right there and there’s lots of cops here. So I ran off before I could ask him anything else.”

UPDATE: Twitter user @bonneafied has these shots from the scene of the mob around Robert Pattinson’s trailer on the street set–

Robert Pattinson NYC New York Trailer Mob
UPDATE2: SplashNews has video of the Robattack going down.


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